Timing is Everything
- WE only list ESTABLISHED AND OPERATING BUSINESSES. If your business is not established or if you cannot accurately prove your sales and profits, we may be able to assist you in other ways to sell your business. Please click below to contact us.
- Selling your business is one of the most important decisions any business owner makes. Whether you know it or not, from the day you start the business, you are grooming it for its eventual sale.
- Selling a business requires planning, preparation and execution, and it's crucial that you fully understand the process. Partner with Austin Business Brokers℠ and you will have a higher probability of selling your business at a fair market price. Rather than simply 'attempting' to sell your business, our goal is to ensure that the anticipated results are realized.
- Five essential R's that each Business Seller can start preparing 1-2 years before selling: 1. Re-evaluate your Business: Know what its worth at any given time. Get an annual Valuation for a very reasonable fee. Our Valuation+ Report is perhaps the single best bargain and tool you can use to increase the value of your business. 2. Re-assess your Role: You will be selling your business, not yourself. Your business cannot afford you to be indispensable. Rethink your role to make your business an attractive acquisition. 3. Re-examine your Systems: Are your books clean? When you under-report your sales, you are only stealing from yourself. There are legal ways of utilizing the tax codes for the owner's benefit, but not having accurate records devalues your business more than anything else. 4. Review your Clients: Does your business rely too heavily on a few clients? Spread out your risk and make the business more attractive. 5. Reflect with your Broker: It's never to early to sit down with a Business Broker and chart out a strategy and take steps as a team to achieve your goals 12, 18, 24 months or longer into the future.
- Why use a broker? Confidentiality, Expediency, Expertise, and best financial results, are some of the important reasons for using a broker.
- Thinking about selling your business? Only one out of every three businesses listed by a broker sells. And it takes an average of 18 months for a business to sell. There is a good reason for those numbers. Most business owners have not prepared, or have not picked the right broker.
- How NOT to select a Broker? Most importantly, pick a LOCAL Broker. Any broker who is more than 90 minutes or 100 miles away will perhaps not be able to serve your interests. Secondly pick a BUSINESS Broker-Not someone who may occasionally sell businesses but is primarily a Residential Broker, a Commercial Broker or a Property Manager. A word about Business Brokerage companies headquartered out of state: In Texas, there are few regulations for Business Brokers. For that reason, there is a proliferation of out of state or 'national' brokers, or networks who have 'certified' agents in Texas. These agents have little or no experience and are in this trade only because they were sold a dream by some out of state outfit, that they could make a six figure income being a Business Broker. These fortune hunters have spent anywhere from 5 hours to 5 days for training and shelled out anywhere from $3,000 to $30,000 to convince themselves they are Brokers, but are in essence following up on behalf of a telemarketer. Would you trust your business to someone who has been certified by a telemarketer from New Jersey or Florida?
- Almost all business sale transactions involve a transfer of lease or real property, and for a Broker to handle that, he/she must be licensed by Texas Real Estate Commission. If your business is being marketed for sale by someone who is not a licensed Broker by TREC, you are jeopardizing the sale of your business by potentially putting any 'binding offers' in risk of being voidable agreements.
You can do a free online search here: TREC License Search. (AUSTIN BUSINESS BROKERS=9003814)
- If you are considering selling your business in the near future, it's imperative to schedule a free confidential consultation with Austin Business Brokers℠ to learn how to interview a Broker, to understand what to look for and what to avoid in hiring a Business Broker. Not picking the right Business Broker could actually hurt your business.
- At Austin Business Brokers℠, our average is substantially better and we sell a high percentage of the businesses we list. We do not take a listing to bulk up our inventory, but our goal from day one is to get the results for the seller. Each business is unique, and we use the best approach with your co-operation to succeed in your goal of selling your business. Starting with a free initial consultation, to Business Valuation, internal analysis, presentation, marketing, negotiation, due diligence, transition, to close of escrow, we lend our experience and expertise every step of the way. Is your business qualified to be listed by Austin Business Brokers℠?
- Call us today and find out why having Austin Business Brokers℠ on your side is to your advantage.
- For more information, visit our Seller Frequently Asked Questions page or contact us for a free consultation.
- Find out the value of your business. If you are ready to sell your business, let us help you getting started. Confidentiality will be maintained. Simply fill the form at the bottom of this page and we will have an agent contact you.